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It's Finally Here!

It felt like it just the other day when I started the whole process to publish my book, yet here we are! It's been a whirlwind of emotions from start to finish. Everything from excitement, nervousness, and even doubt have come and gone from my mind through it all and today is certainly no different. If anything, I'd say that all of those emotions have been flooding back and with an increased intensity!

One minute I'm relieved and content, yet the next, I'm feeling overwhelmed, nervous, and doubtful. All of this is to be expected, I'm sure, but now that the day has finally come, it's a bit surreal.

I'm so grateful, however, just to be at this point. I cannot tell you how many times I've told myself that I was going to finish my novel or that I've always wanted to publish a book, but now that it's finally done, my desire to write and continue creating stories has only been further reinforced and I am so excited about what the future holds.

Dawn of Avarice is only the first book in a series, and so there's much more to come regarding this story. Meant primarily as an introduction to the main characters in the story to follow, it has been my hope that readers are intrigued enough to continue the saga and see what is in store for the lives of all the characters.

And not only that! But I have two other books which I am currently workshopping and hope to have written within the next year. So stay tuned for more information on that later!

But to you the reader, I thank you. With a most sincere heart and with all of my gratitude, your support and interest mean so much to me. And I hope that as time continues I can further serve to bring you wonderful stories and characters to fall in love with.


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